if you are starting up your business with great financing, a good business
idea, market with great potential and enthusiasm for business, your business is
still at a great risk of failure if you don’t understand the basics of the
business world, especially the elementary financial concepts. This are basic
business concepts that will influence your long term financial strategies,
including negotiating and setting up basic cost structures for your business.
MOBE training guide offers some of the basic, essential concepts you should
understand in order to keep your business finances on track.
Gross Margin
margin is your company’s total sales revenue minus the cost of goods sold,
divided by total sales revenue percentage. It details the percentage total of
sales revenue your company gets to keep after subtracting your cost of
production. The higher the percentage, the more your company gets to keep on
each sale. Understanding gross margin is very important as it impacts your
breakeven and the profit you make beyond break even.
Bottom Line
line is your company’s income after you have deducted all expenses from
returns. It differs from gross margin in that its takes into account all
expenses, not just the cost of goods sold. Bottom line includes both your
company’s net earnings and net income. You need to understand the bottom line
in relation to your financial actions, that is, how your
financial decisions will increase or decrease your company’s net earnings.
Bottom line will also help you make decision on how much to reinvest and how
much to put in your savings accounts.
are a point of reference set of standards used to evaluate a company’s
performance in comparison to industry’s best. Benchmarking usually measures
time, quality and cost. Investors will measure your growth looking at the
benchmarks you have reached in a certain period of time. For example, they will
measure if you have reached the benchmark of having a certain amount of
recurring revenue after two years in the market.
are just a few important financial terms you will meet along your
entrepreneurial journey. Understanding them and knowing how each concept can
benefit your business will help you improve the way you make strategic
financial decisions, thus not only keeping your business afloat, but actually
generating great profit that opens opportunity for business growth.
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