Thursday, 28 July 2016

Matt Lloyd Tips - What Motivates You to Achieve Success?

In order to grow your business, or to reach a goal, you need to have reasons that motivate you to succeed. Without a cause, you’re more likely to quit as the first sign of trouble.
Besides having a passion to build your business (which is what motivated me to build MOBE) there are a number of things that can positively affect your motivation to build a successful business:

Matt Lloyd Tips - What Motivates You to Achieve Success?

1. Your Upbringing

If you’re hoping that your own business will bring you financial freedom, then chances are you haven’t had a financially privileged upbringing; meaning that your comparatively modest childhood could prove to be a motivating factor for you to succeed today.
One of the reasons why I’ve been able to build a financially successful company is because I’ve learned the importance of money, thanks to my upbringing. I was raised on a farm in rural Australia and was always determined to do well because of the financial difficulties that my family had.
In fact, for my tenth birthday I asked for $500 rather than a motorbike (which my brothers received). When asked what I wanted to do with the money, I told them I wanted to invest it in a small mining company.
When you’re struggling to motivate yourself to keep your company running, you should recall those times when you had little money and success. Those memories could help you remember why you began to chase after success and financial freedom, and keep you from quitting.

2. Appreciate the Benefits of Success

It’s not uncommon to hear people say, “Money can’t buy you happiness.” As true as that may be, becoming successful and having financial freedom can make your life much easier. Once you appreciate the benefits of such success, you’ll be highly motivated to achieve results in your business.
There was a time when I struggled to pay the rent. If I had enough money, I would have been able to afford the necessities of life without stress. And having stressful thoughts can cause a lack of productivity.

3. Get Inspired

When I was young, I used to watch a show called Money. I remember one episode where two kids used their creativity to sell confectionary snakes.
Having been inspired by that, I set up a roadside potato stall called “Spuds 4 Sale” with my brother and sold bags of potatoes to passing traffic.
If I can be inspired as a child watching such shows, there’s no reason why you can’t do the same. Read inspirational stories of successful entrepreneurs and see what it took for them to reach the levels of success they enjoy today.
An article on Entrepreneur discusses the example of Karen Hoxmeier, a 34-year-old struggling mother with only a high school education. She was a bargain hunter by nature (due to her background and circumstance; see point 1 above) and taught herself how to use a computer.
Hoxmeier became a regular online shopper and soon realized she had a knack for uncovering the latest discounts and offers. A couple of months later she created her own website, The California-based business generated over $3 million in sales as an affiliate marketing site last year.
According to Hoxmeier, money was always her motivation to succeed, but not in the superficial way: “Most people think entrepreneurs are primarily motivated by making money—for me, the twist on the story is that I derive my business power from knowing that I am helping people save money. My mom was very young when she had children and soon found herself on her own. She didn’t have a lot of education and had to work at whatever she could to feed us. Early on I was determined that I would give my kids a better life.”

4. Frugality Pays Off

Throughout my early educational years, I always kept learning about business and how to run one. In fact, for as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to become an entrepreneur.
During my college years, I started a number of small businesses, including mowing lawns for $15 an hour. I saved every dollar I earned from these businesses for about 4 years and managed to save about $50,000. Most college students were talking about how broke they were, but since I was frugal with my money (as bad as that may sound), I was financially content and able to afford the things I needed.
Save as much money as you can and use that extra cash to pump back into your business for things like advertising, brand development, traffic generation, etc. I’m fortunate in the sense that I’m not really a materialistic guy, making it a little easier to live within my means. Having such a disposition is in fact good for business. My frugality allowed me to reinvest my money into an online marketing business and thankfully MOBE has benefited from that. 

Final Thoughts 

Once you’ve managed to run a successful business, you need to keep the motivation and desire alive in order to scale. I personally use the fact that I have a responsibility to MOBE consultants’ and employees’ livelihoods as a motivating factor. Remember, as a business owner you are in charge of a number of people, so you should strive to keep growing your business.
The main thing that keeps me going and reinforces my drive to succeed is the question: “How can MOBE be better?” If you always look for ways to grow and scale your business, you’ll automatically be motivated to work hard.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

MOBE Training - The Recipe for a Successful Landing Page

It doesn’t matter whether a company was founded 2 or 10 years ago, as long as the landing page was done right. I’ll use several landing pages as examples: Unbounce, AppDesignVault and Hotjar beta landing pages.

 Here’s the basic recipe for a successful landing page: 

The Recipe for a Successful Landing Page

Step 1: Attract Attention

The first message that you send through your landing page and the first impression about your product, company and service are formed in the first 8-10 seconds. And the first impression should be that your landing page is something that can help your potential customers.

That’s what will make them pay attention.

It’s the job of your headline, sub-headline and hero image to grab the visitor’s attention in the first few seconds of visiting your landing page.

For example, Unbounce’s landing page manages to give you quite a lot of information and benefits of using their app in as much as 10 seconds. But getting attention is the easy-peasy part.

Step 2: Spike Interest

 After you’ve got their attention, you want to spike interest.
The problem is that people don’t read on the internet; they scan. So, they won’t start reading your copy word for word even if you managed to get their attention.
To get a better overview, your website visitors will likely scroll and scan the page.
To spike their interest and make them read your offer fully, you have to make your landing page scan-friendly.
Here’s what people notice while scanning:
  1. Headings
  2. Bolded or Italicized Text
  3. Bullet Points
  4. The Bottom Line (Last Sentence, P.S., Last Call-To-Action)
Put your main benefits in these positions.

Step 3: Pique Desire

If you manage to get people’s interest while they are merely glimpsing at your landing page, the next thing you want to do is to make them want to get your product. You have to explain exactly how you could help them.
That’s the job of your product’s benefits and features section. They form the meat of your landing page.
Here are a few rules of thumb for presenting the benefits and features to help you do a brilliant job like Unbounce:
  1. Use benefits as headings, this way, people are more likely to read the paragraph below.
  2. Mention the feature that provides the benefit in the paragraph.
  3. If there is a picture that illustrates the desired result (benefit), include it.

Step 4: Inspire Trust

Most people are wary of even giving their email on an unknown website, not to mention their credit card details.
To convert your website visitor, you have to give that person a reason to trust you.
Trust indicators are social proof (comments, testimonials), previous experience, mentions by influencers and so on. It’s anything that qualifies you or your product as fit to solve the problem the potential customer is having.
The more proof you have of the authenticity of your testimonials, the better.
I’m going to bring another piece of Unbounce’s landing page to your attention. Note how they included a picture of the person who gave them the testimonial. Yes, it could be staged, but, at least, you’re certain that a living and breathing person said these things.
Note: If I were you, I’d avoid adding that strip of logos of big brands on my landing page, unless I have actual proof that I worked with these brands. If I’ve worked with them, I would ask them for a testimonial and publish that.

Step 5: The Call-To-Action

You can read about naming your call-to-action in detail here. In summary:
  1. Your landing page should have one and only one goal.
  2. After you’ve grabbed attention, spiked interest, piqued desire and presented trust indicators, you can ask people to take action.
  3. The name of your call-to-action is very important. A lot of people will back off at the last minute if the call-to-action text suggests that they have to put in a lot of effort (e.g. “Register now” suggests that you have to fill out a long boring form. Not sexy.), or to give up something, etc. The name of the call-to-action has to be benefit-oriented. It has to emphasize what people will get or what they can do after they click on that button.

Step 6: Tackle Objections

 A lot of the people who visit your landing page will be skeptical, especially when you’re selling something.
If you were a salesperson doing this live, it would be easier for you. Some people would state their worries and objections, or at least make a face. But since you’re building a landing page, your potential customers are behind screens. You have to guess what their concerns might be.
By tackling objections, I simply mean that you should make a list of FAQs and publish it at the end of the landing page, right before your last call to action.
At first, you’ll have to guess what the FAQs are. With time, when people start contacting you and asking real questions, you will be able to refine this list of questions. 

Step 7: Spice It Up

Now that you’ve prepared a nice, tasty landing page, you can afford to spice it up a bit to increase your conversion rate.
Use these “spices” with caution, though. If your goal is only to trick people into giving up their email so that you can spam them, you will get zero sales. If your goal is to sell a crappy product, you will get requests for refunds and rants all over social media.

So, please use these responsibly:


Everyone loves being different and special in some way. We seek ways to feel more successful, more skilled, more experienced in comparison to other people. On a deep level, this is our need for self-actualization.
Now, in terms of sales and marketing, this means that, generally, people like it when they have exclusive access to some content or app.
Startup beta landing pages rely heavily on exclusivity to make more people sign up.
But exclusivity is not just about saying, “Hey, get exclusive access to Some Unknown SaaS.” Nobody actually wants that.
To employ exclusivity, work on your offer first. When your potential users actually want the product, saying that you’re giving exclusive access to a select few will, in fact, boost your conversions.


Another trick you can use to make people act right away is urgency.
Urgency is usually about time limits. For example: This offer is valid in the next 3 hours.
Urgency takes advantage of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). If you don’t act right away, you’ll miss the deal. It’s over.
That’s why a lot of Groupon offers are time limited.
Mix these 7 steps together, and you’ll have a landing page customers can’t resist.

Gergana Dimowa

Read Gergana Dimowa’s comments on, “The Recipe For a Successful Landing Page” on Quora.

Friday, 15 July 2016

Matt Lloyd’s 5 Tips to Help You Start Your Business While Working

Matt Lloyd’s 5 Tips to Help You Start Your Business While Working
If you’ve launched a business but can’t seem to gain any momentum due to other job commitments, there are a number of things you need to consider in order to grow. After all, you decided to start a business to become more successful than you currently are.

If you can’t quit your current job but you still want your own business to flourish, you should take note of the following 5 tips to help you achieve financial freedom!

1. Visualize Your Success

If you’re struggling to take action on your dream (having your own successful business), then you need to begin to picture the lifestyle you want to live. You probably made the decision to have your own business in order to live a financially-free life where you can afford the luxuries you currently cannot.
If that’s the case, you should visualize specific details of the rewards you expect to receive from a successful business. For example, you should imagine being a successful business owner and living in a bigger house, driving expensive cars and being able to travel anywhere you wish. This isn’t a superficial method of wanting success; it’s an effective process that will make you work harder to reach your goals.
In fact, an article on The Huffington Post states the following: “According to research using brain imagery, visualization works because neurons in our brains, those electrically excitable cells that transmit information, interpret imagery as equivalent to a real-life action. When we visualize an act, the brain generates an impulse that tells our neurons to “perform” the movement.”

2. Have a Compelling Reason to Succeed 

Leading life coach and motivational speaker, Tony Robbins, famously said that your goals should not only be clear, but they should also be compelling. That means that you need to have goals that are so compelling and attractive that you’re pulled towards them every day.
It’s not enough to just say, “I want to run my own business.” Instead, you should say something like, “I want to run one of the most successful companies in the world and earn $20 million dollars this year.” The latter is specific and clear, and far more compelling than the former. Having such a goal will make your efforts far more satisfying.
In 2009 when I first started out in this industry, I wasn’t really thinking about my “why.” Why am I in this business? Why do I want to commit to this industry? Once I remembered that I wanted financial freedom (the reason for starting my own business), I would get back on track.
One of my biggest fears is not having enough money to pay for something. That fear has become my reason to succeed and I always picture a life where that is never an issue; hence the desire to scale MOBE and keep growing into a prolific company.

3. Set Aside Time to Work

“I don’t have the time” is a weak excuse often used by individuals to disguise their procrastination. The fact of the matter is that even the wealthiest and most successful people in the world have the same amount of hours in a day as the rest of us.
If you only sleep for 6 hours a day, you have 18 hours to work on your business. Make the most of those hours and put in all the effort you can to get your business off the ground. And remember, if you’re currently working at another job, those 18 hours in a day could easily become 10, so it’s even more important to maximize the time you have.
As cliché as it may sound, time is the most important commodity you have, especially when you only have a few hours to spare due to other commitments. So, make the most of each hour and do something that will add to your business, no matter how big or small that task may be.
To help you get started, try putting 30 minutes aside each day. Be conscious about it. Make a plan for each day so that you know what you’re going to do in those 30 minutes. Let’s say you’re working as a MOBE Consultant. Make it a point to place Facebook ads to promote an offer. But do it today! Don’t procrastinate until tomorrow. The sooner you do this, the sooner you’ll form a habit of doing something productive every day.

4. Practice Productive Habits

In addition to putting 30 minutes aside each day to work on your business, you should take advantage of any other spare time and use it in a way that benefits your business. For example, if you normally listen to music during your commute to work, you could listen to an audio book or a podcast related to your niche. This way you’ll be maximizing your time by expanding your knowledge on important issues while commuting.

5. Work Weekends

If you take weekends off, then you’re possibly losing 36 hours of working time (minus the approximate 12 hours of sleeping). If you want to run your own business badly enough, you’ll have to sacrifice your weekends, initially. 

Final Thoughts …

Although it may seem difficult to work at another job while trying to launch your own business, it’s not impossible. Just make the necessary lifestyle changes, take consistent action every single day, and you’ll soon be enjoying a whole new lifestyle!
Matt Lloyd

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

MOBE Affiliate Program Training For Begginers with Matt Lloyd

#1 Drive Quantity and Quality of clicks(Traffic)to your MOBE Affiliate links

#2 Time and Commitment

What Are Top Earners Doing?

  •   Get to live events (before successful)
  •   No excuses
  •   Focus on cash producing activities
  •   Continuously promoting
  •   Resourcesful