If you’ve launched a business but can’t seem to gain any momentum due
to other job commitments, there are a number of things you need to
consider in order to grow. After all, you decided to start a business to
become more successful than you currently are.
If you can’t quit your current job but you still want your own
business to flourish, you should take note of the following 5 tips to
help you achieve financial freedom!
1. Visualize Your Success
If you’re struggling to take action on your dream (having your own
successful business), then you need to begin to picture the lifestyle
you want to live. You probably made the decision to have your own
business in order to live a financially-free life where you can afford
the luxuries you currently cannot.
If that’s the case, you should visualize specific details of the
rewards you expect to receive from a successful business. For example,
you should imagine being a successful business owner and living in a
bigger house, driving expensive cars and being able to travel anywhere
you wish. This isn’t a superficial method of wanting success; it’s an
effective process that will make you work harder to reach your goals.
In fact, an article on The Huffington Post states the following: “According
to research using brain imagery, visualization works because neurons in
our brains, those electrically excitable cells that transmit
information, interpret imagery as equivalent to a real-life action. When
we visualize an act, the brain generates an impulse that tells our
neurons to “perform” the movement.”
2. Have a Compelling Reason to Succeed
Leading life coach and motivational speaker, Tony Robbins, famously
said that your goals should not only be clear, but they should also be
compelling. That means that you need to have goals that are so
compelling and attractive that you’re pulled towards them every day.
It’s not enough to just say, “I want to run my own business.”
Instead, you should say something like, “I want to run one of the most
successful companies in the world and earn $20 million dollars this
year.” The latter is specific and clear, and far more compelling than
the former. Having such a goal will make your efforts far more
In 2009 when I first started out in this industry, I wasn’t really
thinking about my “why.” Why am I in this business? Why do I want to
commit to this industry? Once I remembered that I wanted financial
freedom (the reason for starting my own business), I would get back on
One of my biggest fears is not having enough money to pay for
something. That fear has become my reason to succeed and I always
picture a life where that is never an issue; hence the desire to scale
MOBE and keep growing into a prolific company.
3. Set Aside Time to Work
“I don’t have the time” is a weak excuse often used by individuals to
disguise their procrastination. The fact of the matter is that even the
wealthiest and most successful people in the world have the same amount
of hours in a day as the rest of us.
If you only sleep for 6 hours a day, you have 18 hours to work on
your business. Make the most of those hours and put in all the effort
you can to get your business off the ground. And remember, if you’re
currently working at another job, those 18 hours in a day could easily
become 10, so it’s even more important to maximize the time you have.
As cliché as it may sound, time is the most important commodity you
have, especially when you only have a few hours to spare due to other
commitments. So, make the most of each hour and do something that will
add to your business, no matter how big or small that task may be.
To help you get started, try putting 30 minutes aside each day. Be
conscious about it. Make a plan for each day so that you know what
you’re going to do in those 30 minutes. Let’s say you’re working as a
MOBE Consultant. Make it a point to place Facebook ads to promote an
offer. But do it today! Don’t procrastinate until tomorrow. The sooner
you do this, the sooner you’ll form a habit of doing something
productive every day.
4. Practice Productive Habits
In addition to putting 30 minutes aside each day to work on your
business, you should take advantage of any other spare time and use it
in a way that benefits your business. For example, if you normally
listen to music during your commute to work, you could listen to an
audio book or a podcast related to your niche. This way you’ll be
maximizing your time by expanding your knowledge on important issues
while commuting.
5. Work Weekends
If you take weekends off, then you’re possibly losing 36 hours of
working time (minus the approximate 12 hours of sleeping). If you want
to run your own business badly enough, you’ll have to sacrifice your
weekends, initially.
Final Thoughts …
Although it may seem difficult to work at another job while trying to
launch your own business, it’s not impossible. Just make the necessary
lifestyle changes, take consistent action every single day, and you’ll
soon be enjoying a whole new lifestyle!
Matt Lloyd
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