Monday 11 April 2016

Mobe Review :Segmenting Email Lists for More Opens, Click Throughs, and Conversion

Mobe Review :Customers have different needs, wants, and preferences. Yet marketers are still sending them generic emails to advertise their products. Hence the low open rates and the general believe that email marketing is dead.
Email marketing is still very much useful and can generate you great results when used properly. To sell your products better through emails, you have to segment your lists into categories that cater for groups with similar needs.  

How to Segment
Mobe Review :Slice your emailing lists based on the information you have about the customers. What are their buying habits? What do they do for a living, their spending capacity, etc. Group people with more similarities together, and send them deals that satisfies their needs.
Try to make the segments as detailed as possible, for example, people who bought a specific product. If your segmenting is right, you’ll end up with happy customers who receive promotions relevant to them.

How Will Segmenting Help?
Mobe Review :Instead of broadcasting generic content to everyone and hoping it appeals to a majority, segmenting helps you target what people actually want.
Your emails will get more open rates if they are targeted to the right audience. Use subject lines specific to that particular segment to catch their interest and make them open.
You will also have more clickthroughs when your content is relevant to the customer’s needs. People become interested in links that offer content relating to their needs.
Your unsubscribe rates will reduce, because your content will not be viewed as spam. People will actually appreciate receiving information they can actually use.
And most importantly, you will improve your conversion rates as the products you are promoting are what people want.

Mobe Review :Each customer is unique in their own needs. Study their background, purchase history and interest, and group them according to what’s important to them. Segmenting will help you maximize your message’s effectiveness and ultimately make more sales.

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